Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita." Do we really care anyway?

Well well well, if you have seen the TV, newspaper, or advertisement sticking up everywhere which says "BUDI BAHASA BUDAYA KITA".. sometimes i wonder, Malaysia boleh ke tak boleh?

Oh, i am a Malaysian, what do you expect from me?
-For example, horning others for driving so freaking slow , then realise the driver was one of my neighbour's family members. *sigh*
-Sticking up middle fingers to others & lots more., but i am one hell of a kind Malaysian who knows how to respect others..except for the driving part, i have kopi-o license WHAT DO U EXPECT?

If you have been to the immigration counter, post office, airport.. you will now what i mean.
Wah...their sulky face is so different from the advertisement we seen on TV.
In the advertisement, they are potray with smart, good looking features.

Post Office
Alright, i need to send a letter to UK , ASAP. I thought that post office does sell envelopes. So , i was lining up, as usual , their "slow motion" really frustrate everyone else. When it was my turn, with a bright smile, i politely ask if there are any envelopes available, they politely tell me this " tak ade tak ade tak ade tak ade,next!!" and they give me their "muka masam" look

Tabung Haji
There was one incident , whereby i work for this insurance company, and my boss wanted me to check on some stuff with Tabung Haji (*TH). So i call up and ask regarding some info on that particular client. After a few sentence of conversation, i wanted to ask more question but then that TH guy hung up on me. *kanasai*Then, i call up again.
Me: [dulan] Eh, mengapa awak hang up macam ni? i ask about Mr. A's policy.
TH GUY : Ooooooooh saya ingat u cakap BYEBYE.

I know you guys out there facing the same thing too or even worse, i have more to write. but will continue part-II soon. coz i wanna *bomb tokyio* .. See ya peeps!!


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