Friday, July 27, 2007

Home remedies & DIY, so easy.

The reason why am i blogging or typing down useful crap is because i have fantasy of being Martha Stewart.She has a talk show on living life, she teaches people how to do this how to do that bi li ba la bi li ba la, but one thing for sure she misses out which is : BLOGGING. So on behalf of Martha Stewart, today, i will be teaching U a few steps of self-help remedy that you can DIY !! Don't worry, i dont follow Martha's way or style, i read and do research on my own so that my FANS will adore me. NOT YOU MARTHA!!!

*The pic :MARTHA STEWART was charged for breaching copyrights of Malaysian law but was held under the US Federal Government .She was found guilty for stealing ideas of a blogger who blogs about useful living tips. The blogger wish to keep her identity. :)

Tactics for acne / smoother skin. Still remember my tip of the day for the last few days : put egg whites?? remember?? REMEMBER?????This time i have a better one. ( I hope )

  1. Oatmeal : Cook some oatmeal,moderate will do. Spread it over your face, cover your pimple face with damp cloth. Leave it for 15 mins. Then, eat the oatmeal. Repeat this procedure each day-for about 2 weeks. **Of course you dont eat the oatmeal la, you rinse it off!!!!
  2. Apple cidar vinegar OR lemon : Damp cotton wool with that vinegar or lemon, but i prefer you using lemon, apple cidar vinegar-EXPENSIVE but can help you to loose weight. Take note that it will stung a bit on your pimples. IF YOUR PIMPLES GET WORSE. CONGRATULATIONS!!

    Dry skin around your heels, elbow. If your face is dry, i would not recommend you this method. Buy your own product.

    1. Moisturiser or Vaseline : RM 15 or RM 6.90. Well you choose. For crack heel, use the stone during the shower, buy the stone, i dont know what is it call but dont use bricks, OK? Before going to bed, put Vaseline on your heels, wear socks then zZZzZZzz, next morning, you CAN feel the difference on your heels. Vaseline can also remove make up, but don't use Vaseline as face cream as it will clog your pores.

    Body odour..seriusly BAD body odour. Each time whenever i see anyone walk past me i would quickly hold my breath and put a smile on my cute little face. :) It is because their body odour smells like belacan from dinosaur era. * Remember people, first impression is VERY important, ok??

    1. Use salt. THE MOST QUITE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMIC WAY. No salt at home? ok.fine. continue with the belacan then!! When taking a shower, use the salt srub EVERYWHERE you like, but please dont't scrub on areas that you like to scrub the most!! Put the salt under your armpits, your feet, your back etc!! Continute until BO dissapear.

    Do you dare to try this?Dandruff problem. Drained away the flakes. I hate shampoo advertisement. It makes me sick!! ggrrrr..Nb: BLOGGER NOT LIABLE FOR ANY LOSSES OF HAIRS OR DANDRUFF!! thank u!

    1. Use listerine. Take cotton dap it to your scalp, massage your scalp, wait till one hour or less than that. Rinse it, try this 3 times a week. If it irritates you, use shampoo laa HEAD 7 SHOULDERS-the best!!

    Alrighteeeeeeee, any questions .. nudge me !! bye bye!!

    Wednesday, July 25, 2007

    The passion of snacking. The Method of snacking.

    I ask my friends, "eh, siao eh,do you want to buy some snacks ar?so that we can curi curi bring into the movies?" my friends said ,"wah, no la, very fattening leh somemore snack ar?"
    Another incident which took place in the college, whereby i was eating LOW SALT HI FIBRE biscuit (my fav. snack)during break time, then mana tau, my classmate,( i shall not name him but shall call him a COW), "wah, kam fei chong yiu sek kam tor"

    Whenver comes to snack, people use to think that snack is sinful, their interpretation of snack includes POTATO CHIPS, PRINGLES, ONION RIGNS.. and so forth.
    wrong !wrong! wrong!.. i quote Phua Chu Kang " USE YOUR BRAIN.aiyoooo."

    There is this thing call " healthy snack" which
    exist in this world!!! Vegetables and fruits is the
    best,but that's not all, it may also include nuts-
    not peanuts OMG!!, raisins, seaweed, yogurt,
    meal replacement bar and definitely NOT ROCKY!!

    Today, i will be TRYING my best to convince you to snack healthily so to avoid "out of shape" body. :) Enjoy!!

    When shopping for your snack/food/product:
    1.)ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS check the freaking LABELS which is at the back of the product. I alwayc check the labels..
    why?? The front cover of your favourite yogurt says : "NON FAT YOGURT... LOW FAT YOGURT, 99% FAT FREE YOGURT". *sniff sniff* you know what i smell?? i smell shit.. BULL SHIT!! Try reading the labels, it contains sugar!!! SUGAR THAT CAN MAKE YOU feel 99% FAT!!!!

    2.)Nuts. going really nuts about NUTS!!. Choose walnuts or almonds or raisins over peanuts.
    Alright, so u r nuts, oh..i mean you love nuts.However, when muching it, it should be a handful of almonds or walnut. NOT THE WHOLE PACKET. walnuts is ok but not almonds. As for the raisins, it should contain NON other than vegetable oil, limit it to one packet or one tablespoon.

    • Peanut trivia: Do you know that peanut butter can help women to avoid diabetes?I would suggest that you eat it twice a week or 3 timess a week,
    *KINDLY IGNORE EVERYTHING IN THIS PICTURE, except for the grape fruit and tomato cheries.. *evil smile*i will handle the rest!!

    3.) Count the calorie. When buying breakfast bar or meal replacement bar,again look at the labels. According to Dr. Phil McGraw, meal replacement bars should not be more than 230 calories.

    Oh my god!! I just saw a breakfast bar in the supermarket today which contains up to 1000 calorie. I think that fellow who bought it should be puasa-ing at this moment.

    4.) High-fiber & antioxidant snacks. Additional fiber promotes weight lost. (check here to see the amount of fibre for veges ,fruits, bla bla bla)

    Nb: The product that you choose should contain 6 to 8 grams of of fiber!! Don't know anything about fiber?? click the link above. An apple(with the skin) contains about 3 grams of munch two apple la!!

    Ok la ok la.. i have been blogging for 2 freaking hours. i want to play with my baby ady!! bye!!

    Coming up next : Home remedies.

    "Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita." Do we really care anyway?

    Well well well, if you have seen the TV, newspaper, or advertisement sticking up everywhere which says "BUDI BAHASA BUDAYA KITA".. sometimes i wonder, Malaysia boleh ke tak boleh?

    Oh, i am a Malaysian, what do you expect from me?
    -For example, horning others for driving so freaking slow , then realise the driver was one of my neighbour's family members. *sigh*
    -Sticking up middle fingers to others & lots more., but i am one hell of a kind Malaysian who knows how to respect others..except for the driving part, i have kopi-o license WHAT DO U EXPECT?

    If you have been to the immigration counter, post office, airport.. you will now what i mean.
    Wah...their sulky face is so different from the advertisement we seen on TV.
    In the advertisement, they are potray with smart, good looking features.

    Post Office
    Alright, i need to send a letter to UK , ASAP. I thought that post office does sell envelopes. So , i was lining up, as usual , their "slow motion" really frustrate everyone else. When it was my turn, with a bright smile, i politely ask if there are any envelopes available, they politely tell me this " tak ade tak ade tak ade tak ade,next!!" and they give me their "muka masam" look

    Tabung Haji
    There was one incident , whereby i work for this insurance company, and my boss wanted me to check on some stuff with Tabung Haji (*TH). So i call up and ask regarding some info on that particular client. After a few sentence of conversation, i wanted to ask more question but then that TH guy hung up on me. *kanasai*Then, i call up again.
    Me: [dulan] Eh, mengapa awak hang up macam ni? i ask about Mr. A's policy.
    TH GUY : Ooooooooh saya ingat u cakap BYEBYE.

    I know you guys out there facing the same thing too or even worse, i have more to write. but will continue part-II soon. coz i wanna *bomb tokyio* .. See ya peeps!!


    Why chili if you can choose pepper?

    Lets start with the lesson.

    Everyone complains to me .." aiya suki ar, my pimples ar... how leh.. aiyo aiyo die lor die lor., siong sam lor lor." "Eh Suki, how come your face soooooooo nice ar?? pimple-less?"

    (evil smile)

    My answer to your frustration is CHILLI. Yes, HUAN CHIU, LAT CHIU, CILI PADI, LA CHIAO...

    Chew on this. In Taiwan, research shows that chili can become wine, ice cream, candy...oops,oh wait, it was Tomato they were talking about, hehe wrong channel.

    Anyway, (continue from Taiwan, disregard the Tomato), research have shown that CHILI is good for cleansing up your stomach, a good antioxidant tool, and very good for your skin.
    Anyway, i did some research on the net, hope you guys understand the concept of CHILI:-
    "Chilli Health: Chillis are loaded with vitamin A, a potent antioxidant and boost to the immune system. As the pods mature and darken, high quantities of vitamin C are gradually replaced with beta carotene and the capsaicin levels are at their highest. .... temporarily speeding up the metabolic rate, hence burning off calories at a faster rate. .... .. cumulative effect to alleviate pain when used in transdermal treatments for arthritis, nerve disorders (neuralgia), shingles and severe burns ... even cluster headaches. ... Other claims are boosts to the immune system due to the antioxidants, lowering cholesterol, and blood thinning properties beneficial for the heart and blood vessels."

    So if you wanna loose weight, chili is part of the plan!!
    But what happen if you can't handle the chili coz it is too hot for you?
    A lot of my friends did the WORST THING when they cannot take the spicy-ness : GULPING COLD WATER. That is the foolest thing to do.
    • HOT Water will help to ease the "pain"
    • Eat bread.

    Any questions regarding Chilis, kindly bow towards da Chili Queen.

    WHY am i here?

    Alright, a lot of people started their blog earlier than me. OK!! i must say they really did a good job. Well, i am not copying their styles, i am just following their paths.

    This is my very FIRST TIME having a blog. I don't know nuts about blogging, but what i do know is this : I AM DAMN CRAPPY & 3 8 !!

    Actually, the main reason why i am here is because:

    1. people have misconception about Chili padis

    2. loosing weight techniques

    3. having 2 more months holiday

    4. my friends influence me,especially that horny penguin... boohoohoo!!

    I do hope you enjoy reading my crappy thoughts. Those who know me, thank you for your understanding!!

    -->baby's favourite toy!!

    *You are now looking at my dad's boxers.